Bad Preferences File. Will replace with a new one. Code: Sound Channel Error. Code: nil Sound Channel. Code: Sound Manager error. Code: Trouble reading file. There was a file problem. Trouble writing to the file. Couldn't open the file. The file is locked. There is a file create problem. Monitor is set for only two colors. Pictures may not look very nice. The sound resource was not found. The picture resource was not found. There was a problem loading a sound or picture resource. Cannot do Paste. Not enough memory to do Paste. Cannot exceed 32,000 characters with Paste. Cannot do Copy. Cannot do Cut. Not enough memory to do Cut. Too many characters. Don't exceed 32,000 characters. Bird File opening error. Sound set may not have been read in. Bird Files directory may have not been set properly. Check that folder is in root directory and has Bird files in it.